The Giver, The Gift, & The Giving
Psalm 19:1-2
The heavens declare the Glory of God;
The skies proclaim the work of His hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
Night after night they display knowledge.
This song celebrates The Creator as understood in, and through, His Creation.
The peace of a quiet morning before sunrise, the wind in the trees of some place of rest and solitude, the dwarfing of my soul as I gaze into a star filled sky, and somehow feel akin to it.
This song is to me a joyful proclamation of who and what God is, and that He is for me.
To know that the hand that created the world, is the one that created me, and holds me close and dear. This is the comfort I wish to share, an invitation to ponder who and what we must be to our Creator’s Heart and Mind.
It was from this place that this song came. Before it all, behind it all, through it all, is The Giver, The Gift, & The Giving.

Listen to the music of the spheres
Falling like the rain upon my ears
Softening the hard and thirsty years
Seeing how the sunlight shades the land
Reflections of the Artist’s Heart and Hand
The signing of the great – I Am – That I Am –
Of The Giver, and The Gift, and The Giving
And The Life, and The Light, and The Living
The Sower and His Seed, and The Way that He does lead
The Giver, and The Gift, and The Giving
Counting all the tears that fill an ocean
The several and the small in one great motion
The sorrows and the joys that fill the times
Could it be that each and every one
Is gathered up and treasured
All to show the measure
Of The Giver, and The Gift, and The Giving
And The Life, and The Light, and The Living
The Sower and His Seed, and The Way that He does lead
The Giver, and The Gift, and The Giving
Binding up the broken wounded hearts
Raising from the ashes brand new starts
Joining in the gentle Triumph march
Of The Giver, and The Gift, and The Giving
And The Life, and The Light, and The Living
The Sower and His Seed, and The Way that He does lead
The Giver, and The Gift, and The Giving