This song is about restored humanity.
John 3:16 (NIV)
“For God so Loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever
believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life”
God gave His Son for me, and in that my response is to want to give myself
for Him. The world that God loves He calls me to love. I receive this as a
calling. A calling to see as He sees, hear as He hears, love as He loves. To see
in the eyes of every woman, child, and man, the life that God loves and sent
His Son to save, heal, and restore to Himself. To live in and share the faith,
hope and love that is ours in Christ alone. To tell His Story, this is our

Every picture tells a story
All across this land
From sea to shining sea
Every woman child and man
Every picture tells a story
Every window of a soul
In you I see traces of an image
Reflections of something or someone I believe I know
Here the morning tells of sunrise
Here the darkness claims the night
The ebb and flow the times we know
This struggle we call life
Yet in the distance I hear a calling
Not so very far away
My ears are hearing my heart is baring
The birth of a new day
I’ve seen love on a sleeping baby
In the honest sweat of a working man
I’ve seen love in the eyes of his lady
In the touch of healing hand
You can’t rush love
You can’t buy love
You can’t make love
You can’t take love
Here the morning tells of sunrise
Still the darkness claims the night
The ebb and flow the times we know
This struggle we call life
Yet in the distance I hear a calling
Even closer now today
My hands are learning my heart is yearning
The birth of a new day
I read about love in a manger
I read about love hanging on a cross
I read above love in the heart of The Father
In the work of The Son at immeasurable cost
You can’t rush love
You can’t buy love
You can’t make love
You can’t take love
You must receive it
You must believe it
It’s a mystery a mystery a high and holy mystery
It’s time and space history
It’s history
It’s His story
And every passion has it’s voice
And every freedom bears a choice
To which will we give our ear
Our hearts to virtue or vice
Put away your comforts
Put away your pleasures
Put away your selfish gain
Take up virtue and take up compassion
And Mercy again
A time is coming you know it’s coming
Put away your comforts
Put away your pleasures
Put away your selfish gain
Take up dignity and justice and honor again
A time is coming you know it’s coming
Every picture tells a story
All across this land
From sea to shining sea
Every woman child and man
Every picture tells a story
Every window of a soul
In you I see traces of an image
Reflections of something or someone I believe I know
But I can’t rush your love
No I can’t buy your love
And I can’t make your love
And I can’t take your love
We must receive it
We must believe it
We must seek it
With our hearts and our hands
we must learn to speak it
It’s His story