John 13:34 NIV
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you
must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples,
if you love one another”
Christ Jesus died on the cross, so that I might take up my cross and follow
Him. He has given me a place to die, and a place to live.
In our weakness, by His Grace, He has provided for us strength.
He has sent His Spirit into the hearts of those who believe.
By this Spirit alone may we be the salt and light that He calls us to be.
By this Spirit alone may we love well and witness such a great salvation.
Our love that comes from Him and through Him, will serve to draw those He
loves to Him.
This song is to be an encouragement to that end.

Love Well – Love Well
If I speak in the tongues of angels
And I speak in the tongues of men
And I have not love
I’m just so much noise
Yeah just so much noise
If I could look over the future
And see into all things
Have the faith to clear the path before me
Of any and everything
But have not Love
I am nothing
Love Well – Love well
If I give all I possess to the poor
Even my body to be broken
But have not Love
Its all for nothing
Without Love I gain nothing
Love is patient, Love is kind
Does not envy boast or brag
Put down others, selfish or short fused
Forgiving, always forgiving
Hates the lie, rejoices with the Truth
Protecting and trusting and hopeful
Love don’t give up, never gonna quit
Never gonna quit, Love don’t give up
Love Well – Love Well
Love never fails
But all else will cease be still and pass away
For now only a reflection but then face to face
Love never fails
No longer a child but fight like a man
When I see who you are I will know who I am
And put this battle behind me
Love is patient, Love is kind
Does not envy boast or brag
Put down others, selfish or short fused
Forgiving, always forgiving
Hates the lie, rejoices with the Truth
Protecting and trusting and hopeful
Love don’t give up, never gonna quit
Never gonna quit, Love don’t give up
There’s the story that they tell
About the woman at the well
Are you thirsty ?
If we drink from His cup
He said a river will rise up
Spring up O well (2x)
I’m down on my knees
I’m begging Jesus please
You know I’m thirsty
I’m down on my knees
I’m begging Jesus please
Spring up O well. (2x)
Faith – Love does
Hope – Do Love
Love – Love Well
Love never fails
But all else will cease be still and pass away
For now only a reflection but then face to face
Love never fails
No longer a child but fight like a man
When I see who you are I will know who I am
And put this battle behind me