This song is a contemplation on The Golden Rule and all that it implies in our daily living.
If I am to love another as I love myself, love then defines the relationship that exists between the two of us. Relationships are a two- way street which come with certain responsibilities. In this context then “Do to others as you would have them do to you,” means that my personal behavior and how it affects and shapes me, would in a secondary manner affect you, and vice-a-versa. Your personal behavior and how it affects and shapes you would in turn have an effect on me.
Jesus lived in perfect obedience before the Father, and in that He lived in perfect Love towards me. If I am to follow His example, and by His Grace, Christ is formed in me, I then will be that much more effective at living in love toward others.
So then what we do and who we are, in every aspect of our lives, has a direct bearing on who and what we are in Christ towards one another.
This is the thought behind the song.

Do Justice, love mercy, walk humbly
Why do you do me the way that you do
If my love for me, is my love for you
Why do you do me the way that you do
Brother, brother, look around
We do to others what we do ourselves
When we all come to see
This is a common Kingdom wealth
Why do you do me the way that you do
If my love for me is my love for you
Why do you do me the way that you do
Sister, sister, you got to help me
What we do in the dark will surely all come to light
We can’t plant what is wrong
And harvest what is right
Why do you do me the way that you do
If my love for me is my love for you
Why do you do me the way that you do
When the golden rule is the measure of a man
When he sees a need
He’s going to do just what he can
Don’t spend yourself on that which surely fades away
For where your treasure is, your heart is
What you do is what you say
I’m going to do you the way that I do
If my love for me is my love for you
I’m going to do you the way that I do
You know that our struggle is not with flesh and blood
The battle is inside you and it’s there it must be won
This moral filth and evil, we must put it all away
His Word inside a humble heart will surely heal and save
I’m going to do you the way that I do
If my love for me is my love for you
I’m going to do you the way that I do
I go into my closet, I get down on my knees
I wait there in the quiet, before the One who sees
He sees me in my darkness, He sees you in your pain
He sees us in our prisons
And it’s there we speak His name
I’m going to do you the way that I do
If my love for me is my love for you
I’m going to do you the way that I do
If you cannot hear the words I say
Going to take it to the Father, ask and seek, and knock and pray
I pray your ears will hear, your eyes will see
His Love will do in Christ for you
What he has done for me
I’m going to do you the way that I do
If my love for me is my love for you
I’m going to do you the way that I do
In a God who’s there and cares and sees all from above
In a promised Kingdom coming in His Love
Is the Law that takes away the sin
He’s knocking at your door just open up and let Him in