Good books are often inspirational to me. I had just finished reading John Bunyan’s, “The Pilgrims Progress,” and “The Cost of Discipleship” by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
My son was a kindergartner at the time. One day, as I was driving him home from school, he fell asleep curled up in the front seat of our car. It was a wet grey winter day and the sun had just broken the late morning clouds as we drove down the freeway.
As the sun shone in through the windows on my sleeping little boy, I was taken by the love I have for my children and the responsibility that comes in being a father.
To be a child of God is to be a pilgrim in a foreign land. I wrote this song to my children as a father would charge them to live their lives, and as a prayer that I might live my own.

Come my beamish boy – come gather at my feet
We’ll speak of dying deaths and victory so sweet
Beckoned a child – departing a man
Indelibly stained, with the precious blood of the Sacrificial Lamb
Not to tickle your ear – but to pierce your heart
As in dying you live – in giving take your part
And in giving all you have – you embrace all that you are
The way that calls is narrow – ‘tis long and will be hard
With foes that stand before thee – and clamor from behind
Its end is your salvation – you must fix that in your mind
There’s not one thing – to fix affection
Save the call of Christ and to follow His direction
Though good to a man – a way may seem
But as blind lead the blind, and therein go astray
God only doth know your way
For in all is Him – and in Him is all
Forsake ye the world – and heed unto His call
For in no person, no station – will you discover your salvation
Your death you’ll not escape – through the means of your estate
No true love can you give – till you follow He that lives
And only in Him will you find – the peace and the Truth that only can soothe, your parched and aching mind
Come my tender son – ‘tis love that beckons
And your Life eternal that has much need be reckoned
Impossible for man – not so for God
Who can show you your way – and give you strength to trod
So play not the fool – consider and be wise
Let the God of creation, through His word of salvation
Open up your eyes
And in giving all you have – you embrace all that you are
The road that calls is narrow – ‘tis long and will be hard
With foes that stand before thee – and clamor from behind
Its end is your salvation – you must fix this in your mind