First things First
I have found that the discipline of morning prayer has been a tremendous
grace and blessing in my life.
Jesus said in Mathew 6:6 “ But when you pray, go into your room, close the
door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who see’s
what is done in secret will reward you.”
What a wonderful word and promise this is to us. May this song be a
blessing to you, and an encouragement to trust Him in all things as we seek
first His Kingdom and it’s righteousness

As the morning light does come
And gently break the day
Rest your spirit with its waking
Life upon my way
But the builder be the Lord,
The building be in vain
Help me in your love to remain
All through the day
Eyes to search for all thy beauties
Hidden in all things
Ears to hear the captives crying
Turned new songs to sing
And your loving presence
Ever showing me the way
Word and spirit, straight make my way
All through the day
Lord of ages and of days
Precious words and precious ways
I would thee bring
I am weak, but you are strong
And in your strength I pray
Humble steps and gentle thoughts
To guide my work and way
Praying to the Lord of Harvest
Profit may I bring
Giving cause your heart to sing
Its welcoming, glad tidings bring
My God and King
All through the day
Lord of ages and of days
Precious words and precious ways
I would thee bring
As the morning light does come
And gently break the day
Rest your spirit with its waking
Life upon my way
But the builder be the Lord,
The building be in vain
Help me in your love to remain
All through the day