This song came out of a time of personal worship.
I can’t recall the particular burden that was on my heart, but I do know that it
was as I turned to worship God my deliverer, as I raised my hands and heart
to Him, this song was the prayer that came forth.
This is a song of deliverance.
In thinking of that, I was reminded of how many times in scripture the
singers led the procession into battle, and the enemy was destroyed by the
praises of the people.
As we worship the God who has delivered us from the darkness of this fallen
world, the enemy of our souls cannot defeat the power of our praise. As
every good and perfect gift is from above, so the songs of deliverance that
celebrate our salvation are His gift. Christ in us is the hope of our salvation.
The praise we offer is of His composition. Our God is all in all.
He overcomes our resistance;
He changes our hard hearts;
He delivers us from death and brings us to eternal life in Christ Jesus our
Singer of Song, come to me now in your singing

I will be overcome
I will be changed
I will be delivered
Singer of Song
Come to me now in your singing
Finding me here
In your sweet melody
Purchasing Light
Haste now your way through The Heavens
Singer of Song
Ancient of Days
Striding through ages of promise
Finding me here
New on the edge of this dawn
Oceans of time
Part at the sound of your bidding
Singer of Song
Move on me now – Stir in me now
Taking me now in your Graces
Lift me in your loving arms
Set me in wide open spaces
Speak to me now – breathe in me now
Cleansing me now in your presence
Search me in your saving love
Drawing me into your heavens
Singer of Song
Finding me here at Your bidding
Heaven and earth
Rest in the power of Your Name
Empty I come
Filling me now with your gladness
Singer of Song
Move on me now – Stir in me now
Taking me now in your Graces
Lift me in your loving arms
Set me in wide open spaces
Speak to me now – breathe in me now
Cleansing me now in your presence
Search me in your saving love
Drawing me into your heavens